


司马光之《逍遥四章呈钦之尧夫》乃一篇妙趣横生之诗篇。闭目之间,念及前古,人心随之而飘然一烘尘。苍茫似当年之昔,两仪之道依然存焉。古旧之美,深深地镌刻于光阴之潭底。然世事瞬息万变,万物争相竞新,如花一般绽放于春风之中。当下轩冕之位已赋云烟,箪乐之乐何处觅?然亦有真乐,真乐莫过于质朴之乐。尧夫之所欢笑,亦恰是众人之所笑,而我方笑之。嗟乎,世间之笑与言语犹如游丝,一朝之间又如徐徐秋风,凋零而去。《逍遥四章呈钦之尧夫》,可谓师法孟子之文风,以古拙优雅之姿,融章句丰富而绮丽,仿若奇花托素壁。之乎者也兮,犹一泓清泉,汇聚于浩瀚文海之中,以触动人心之音。时光如箭,岁月如梭,唯文学之珍品,世世代代流传。愿我们怀抱光阴,品味真乐,自逍遥其宜,获得内心之安宁。(Translation:The poem "Four Chapters of Leisure: Addressing Yao Fu with Homage" by Sima Guang is a brilliant and amusing piece of poetry. With closed eyes, lost in thoughts of the past, one finds oneself floating in a cloud of dust. The essence of the ancient world still resides within the realm of the dual forces of yin and yang. The beauty of antiquity is deeply engraved in the depths of time. However, the world is ever-changing, and all things vie for novelty, blossoming like flowers in the spring breeze. The glory of emperors and the joy of extravagant banquets now seem ethereal, but there is still true joy to be found in simplicity. The laughter of Yao Fu, which I also join, is the laughter of the world, and yet I am the object of their laughter. Alas, the laughter and words in this world are as transient as floating silk or a gentle autumn breeze, withering away in an instant. "Four Chapters of Leisure: Addressing Yao Fu with Homage" follows the style of Mencius, employing an elegant and ancient simplicity, combining elaborate and beautiful phrases like flowers against a plain backdrop. Ah, such beautiful words, like a clear spring, merge into the vast sea of literature and move the hearts of all. Time passes like an arrow, and years flow like a shuttle, but precious literary masterpieces are passed down from generation to generation. May we embrace time, savor true joy, freely indulge in leisure, and attain inner tranquility.)
